

Charlie was born shortly after I joined the chocolate factory.


Little did we know at this point that we will name him Charlie.
His full name ended up being Charles Jozsef, after VI. Karoly the last Hungarian King, something we thought was really cool. We still do.


I always wanted family, it was never a question for me.


Finally after quite a few failed long term relationships I met Charlie's Dad who was willing to have more babies* with me, his own words.


We planned to have a baby within 2 years.


Due to me being already 37 at the time but also just started a new job and was not planning to leave for maternity straight away, but he arrived much earlier for our delight.


My career was also important for me, plus money doesn't grow on trees.


So I went back to work after a year. This was super hard having Charlie going under serious chest surgery at only 11 months - more about our hospital ordeal in the

Hospital Story.


Work life balance I found extremely challenging.


On top of that my job required me to travel regularly but we made sure Charlie never suffered from it, we were organised - most of the time - and Charlie had Daddy to take care of him while I was away.


Charlie is 11 years old now and an amazing human being.


Every day I appreciate that I had a chance to meet him. I am proud to be his mother and guardian – most days I feel he is bringing me up not the other way round though.


* More about Charlie’s big brothers, our adventures and funny moments in my future musings...


How To Encourage A Creative Child And Feed His Imagination

